Leading Made Simple



Getting “It” Done – 2 Step OKR + SMART GAP

By Manfred Gollent | Jan 4, 2019 |
Getting "It" Done - 2 Step OKR + SMART GAP 1

You have it, too. Right? That “It” project that’s been lingering around on your “To Do” list for a couple of months now? Try OKR & SMART GAP! You know the one I am talking about … yes, it is that New Year’s resolution, that cool thing, that grand idea, that dream of yours, the…

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Are You Ready to Maximize YOUR Leadership Effectiveness?

By Manfred Gollent | Jan 2, 2019 |
Are You Ready to Maximize YOUR Leadership Effectiveness? 2

Envision the results and help your team to achieve them! It is now the time when many plans are hatched, objectives and goals are defined (and hopefully documented), and New Year’s resolutions are declared… The reality sets in when it comes to executing. That is where leadership effectiveness is key! Strategies and plans are the…

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Authority and Power: 2 Crucial Leadership Elements!

By Manfred Gollent | Dec 7, 2018 |
Authority and Power: 2 Crucial Leadership Elements! 3

A frequently asked question from my clients is: “How can I get people to honestly contribute to my project, although they do not report to me?” There is a sense of feeling powerless due to perceived lack of formal authority to demand action. Have you ever been in that situation? Actually, this scenario leads initially to more…

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Leading in a Multi-Generational Work Environment

By Manfred Gollent | Dec 7, 2018 |
Leading in a Multi-Generational Work Environment 4

More insights on leading in a multi-generational work environment as it is the first time in the history of humanity to have four distinct generations in the work place. It’s complicated… somewhat, at least. We face a challenge that is new to everybody: a truly multi-generational workplace. How should we operate in such an environment? How…

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